Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My 1st Post Ever!!

I am writing my first post!! WoW... I have come a long ways.. my guides and angels have been nudging me to start one for quite some time and only until this week when I have been getting the same request from them over and over again, playing in my mind like a song that won't leave my head, did I decide to start my post... even though it might be silly or sound stupid to anyone who reads it... bottom line is that I wrote it for me and if someone out there happens on it and feels inspired, a little bit more positive, or laughs then I have done what I set out to do... bring more positive energy to anyone around .... I could write about many things because that is how my mind works, with many things in it all at once sometimes, getting these ideas, pondering on stuff going on in my life... writing about my life's path, what I see for myself, writing about where I have come from, or writing about what is in the present moment such as I am now.. the present moment of my mind... blank! nothing to write!! lol.... Relationships! I could write about relationships, nah.. I am sure I will write about that another time... I will just write....

Today I stopped at my office only to stay a few minutes. An hour later, I am standing in the kitchen area of the Healing CoOperative I belong to having a great time with several of my colleagues...it is rare that most of us are there together and what was more exciting was that the more we talked about things the more sychronocities were brought to the forefront. Each of us sharing a tid bit of what was going on in our lives and time and time again, we knew of the person or place that was being mentioned only to verify that what we were talking about was right on. It kept feeling more magical as we talked. Everything we discussed was a part of the path we were supposed to be on and it kept repeating itself with many different scenarios that felt right to each of us. We all agreed that we definitely were all following our paths.

Some would call me a Workaholic because I am always doing something in regards to my work or so they think. For me though, it really is all about doing what I can to help the Universe. I call it Living my Passion. I think being a Workaholic involves doing something you really don't want to do but doing it anyways, having feelings of dread, remorse, tiredness, overwhelmedness, (not sure if that is a word, but will use it anyways). I get up somewhere around 5:30am... probably wouldn't be that early if I didn't have a dog but don't know that for sure... and I am on the go doing something pertaining to my business until about midnight and it is because I am so excited about Life, about Living my Passion.

Believe me I never used to feel this way and there are days that I sometimes don't feel that way and that is when I have allowed myself to let go of the FAITH that I utilize to bring about the ABUNDANCE that is so much all of ours for the RECEIVING... the trick is to BELIEVE that we are deserving it body, mind and spirit. When we start feeling that heavy energy about us or otherwise the tiredness as such mentioned above, that is when we are to stop and look at where we are going in our lives and ask ourselves whether it is some place we really want to go.

So before you get up in the morning, before you even get out of bed, before you even open your eyes, ask yourself "WHAT WOULD MAKE MY HEART SING TODAY?" and do something that would get you a little closer to that goal... even if it is to write a list of something you want to accomplish, as long as you are doing something and making sure you keep doing little things towards what would make your heart sing.. lots of little things turn into big things... you will start to notice a feeling of wellbeing within you that you are doing what you really want to do or getting closer to doing what you want to do..

That's what I did this morning after asking what my heart needed... and I got "living my life in the flow" So I set off through my day with this in mind and the more I just went with the flow, the more sychronicities showed up that made a statement that I was well planted on my path...

What I wrote about may have seemed to have jumped around or may not have made sense to you but in some odd way it makes sense to me. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Danniell said...

Please write more Lacey, you know we would love to read more.